Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine needles into the skin and briefly left in position.
Traditional acupuncture (Chinese acupuncture) is a healthcare system based on ancient principles which go back nearly two thousand years. It looks at pain and illness as signs that the body is out of balance and the overall aim of acupuncture treatment is to restore the body's equilibrium. Traditional acupuncturists believe that the underlying principle of treatment is that illness and pain occur when the body's qi, or vital energy, cannot flow freely. There can be many reasons for this; emotional and physical stress, poor nutrition, infection or injury are among the most common. By inserting ultra-fine sterile needles into specific acupuncture points, a traditional acupuncturist seeks to re-establish the free flow of qi to restore balance and trigger the body's natural healing response.
Medical Acupuncture to treat Musculoskeletal conditions is not just a technique practised by medical physicians, it can be used by trained Sports and Remedial Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Nurses too.
The main mechanisms of action:
1/ Localised - via inhibiting pain signals and causing vasodilation (widening of blood vessels, causing increased blood flow) of the area.
2/ Analgesic - insertion of the needle stimulates the nerves in skin and muscle which supply the area which supresses the pain signal producing an analgesic effect. It also increases the body's release of natural painkillers - endorphin and serotonin - in the pain pathways of both the spinal cord and the brain. This modifies the way pain signals are received
The number of needles can vary depending on the issue and muscles involved. The practitioner will assess each patient’s case and treatment will be tailored to the individual.
I am trained and insured to treat musculoskeletal issues using Medical Acupuncture and this is included within the price of a treatment.
If you'd like to learn more about Acupuncture and if it can help you, please feel free to contact me or for further reading take a look at the links below: