Benefits of Facial Acupuncture for Anti-Ageing
Acupuncture has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries as a way to restore the flow of energy in the body. Acupuncture consists of inserting needles into a selected and targeted area of the body. The application of pressure helps to detoxify the skin, and activate collagen production which helps with ageing. Modern scientific studies have suggested that acupuncture can effectively treat a wide range of illnesses from alleviating pain to treating conditions such as scarring, eczema, and psoriasis.
Facial acupuncture, sometimes called “cosmetic acupuncture,” has been growing in popularity recently due to its effective anti-ageing benefits. Practitioners focus on putting needles in areas of the face in order to stimulate collagen production, improve skin quality, heal acne and scarring. Typically a facial acupuncture treatment will use upwards of about 40 needles in the face, head and neck (in addition to about 20 on the body) which are then left in the skin for about 20 minutes. Facial acupuncture is all about a holistic approach to healing. Not only does it help to address signs of ageing but it can also aid in other ailments.
Facial acupuncture, sometimes called “cosmetic acupuncture,” has been growing in popularity recently due to its effective anti-ageing benefits. Practitioners focus on putting needles in areas of the face in order to stimulate collagen production, improve skin quality, heal acne and scarring. Typically a facial acupuncture treatment will use upwards of about 40 needles in the face, head and neck (in addition to about 20 on the body) which are then left in the skin for about 20 minutes. Facial acupuncture is all about a holistic approach to healing. Not only does it help to address signs of ageing but it can also aid in other ailments.
Natural Alternative to Botox
It is believed by many that facial acupuncture can be a natural alternative to botox. Botox causes temporary paralysis in the facial muscles whereas Facial acupuncture will not. It is an excellent option if you don’t want Botox. Some prefer cosmetic acupuncture because you’re getting other health benefits from it, and you’re boosting your own collagen production, which you don’t get with Botox.
As is the case with many natural treatments, you shouldn’t expect to see miracle results instantly, it can take a few sessions and the effects will build with every treatment.
As is the case with many natural treatments, you shouldn’t expect to see miracle results instantly, it can take a few sessions and the effects will build with every treatment.
Stimulates Collagen Production
Another anti-ageing benefit to facial acupuncture is that it stimulates the production of collagen which slows down as we age. The muscles in our face require collagen and blood circulation in order to maintain a healthy and supple appearance. Acupuncture causes “positive microtraumas” in the surface of the skin (similar to that of microneedling for those who are familiar) which in turn triggers the healing mechanisms in your body and rushes blood to the area. Not only does this process stimulate collagen production and blood circulation, but it can also help with lymphatic drainage which deflates any puffy areas particularly those around the eyes.
Recommended Treatment Protocol and Pricing
The majority of people see improvements after just five sessions of facial acupuncture, but it is recommended that you have 10 treatments once or twice a week to see optimum results. After that, you can go into a maintenance stage, where you get the treatment every four to eight weeks.
The first treatment will involve placing needles into your back to ensure that that there is no aggressive qi in your organs which will affect the treatment outcome.
All treatments involve inserting needles into the arms and legs. These are called Grounding and Anaesthetic Points. Only then do I move onto the face, head and neck. Once all the needles are inserted, I will leave you to relax for 20 minutes and after removal I'll perform a relaxing facial.
Each treatment takes between 1.5 to 2 hours.
One treatment £80.
A course of 10 treatments payable in advance £750.
The first treatment will involve placing needles into your back to ensure that that there is no aggressive qi in your organs which will affect the treatment outcome.
All treatments involve inserting needles into the arms and legs. These are called Grounding and Anaesthetic Points. Only then do I move onto the face, head and neck. Once all the needles are inserted, I will leave you to relax for 20 minutes and after removal I'll perform a relaxing facial.
Each treatment takes between 1.5 to 2 hours.
One treatment £80.
A course of 10 treatments payable in advance £750.